Misophonia in youth is a family problem, in need of family solutions

Individuals with misophonia are no strangers to using devices and modifying routines to reduce their contact with troublesome sounds. From trusty foam earplugs to elaborate noise cancelling technology to visiting the cinema at the unsocial hour of 11am on a Monday, for many of us with misophonia, modifications are part of life. But new research suggests that for youth with misophonia, these kinds of strategies might extend to the rest of the family too.

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Misophonia: nearly one in five UK adults have the condition causing extreme reactions to certain sounds

Many of us have sounds that we find to be annoying. But for some people, certain sounds actually trigger extreme reactions. It’s a disorder known as misophonia, where sounds like chewing, sniffing and pen clicking can cause intense emotional reactions – and sometimes even physical reactions, such as an elevated heart rate and spike in blood pressure.

As it turns out, this condition is more common than many realise, as our recent study showed. We estimate that nearly one in five adults in the UK may have misophonia.

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