Take part in a new misophonia research study trying to better understand misophonia at the more severe end of the spectrum (online survey for UK participants only)

Please note that this study does not involve listening to trigger sounds. It is an online survey.

Researchers at the University of Oxford and King’s College London are recruiting adult participants living in the UK for an online survey study about misophonia. They are trying to better understand misophonia as a potential disorder, by comparing those with severe, moderate and no misophonia. They want to see if there are any unique differences in those with severe misophonia, to better understand the experience of those suffering most with this condition.

Participants who complete* the survey will be send a £10 gift card that can be redeemed for vouchers at over 150 UK retailers. They are only recruiting participants with misophonia at this stage, and you must live in the UK to take part.

For more information or to take part in the study, visit the research website here: Sensory Experiences Survey.

The research is being run by Dr Silia Vitoratou at King’s College London and Dr Jane Gregory at the University of Oxford.

*Surveys will be checked that they have been completed attentively and for signs of fraudulent activity before vouchers will be sent out.