Take part in a new misophonia research study trying to better understand misophonia at the more severe end of the spectrum (online survey for UK participants only)

Researchers at the University of Oxford and King’s College London are recruiting adult participants living in the UK for an online survey study about misophonia. They are trying to better understand misophonia as a potential disorder, by comparing those with severe, moderate and no misophonia. They want to see if there are any unique differences in those with severe misophonia, to better understand the experience of those suffering most with this condition.

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New online study recruiting participants with misophonia for a new misophonia computer test

This is a new study from a team of researchers in Germany, USA and England and they are currently recruiting participants who have misophonia. The study is testing out a new way of assessing misophonia using a computerised test. Participants have the possibility to win one of 48 amazon vouchers for $50/£50 for completing the study.

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New misophonia study looking at the effect of the drug Propranolol or a behavioural intervention on learning and memory

If you are to get to Mount Sinai in New York City, please consider taking part in this interesting new study! The researchers are looking for adult participants aged 18-55, who have sound sensitivity. Participants will be asked to listen to potential trigger sounds as part of the study.

Participants will be able to choose between doing a behavioural intervention (computer task) or a drug intervention (Propranolol). Participants who take part in the drug intervention cannot be pregnant and cannot have a history of head trauma or seizures.

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